Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Health benefit of Highland wild Ginseng,


Highland wild ginseng has been handed down from ancient times as 'the best medicine for longevity', and it is essential and beneficial to all regardless of age or gender. By taking wild ginseng, the immunity, vitality, and resistance of our body are increased, so the recovery ability of our body is improved.

As my physical strength improves, I can concentrate on my studies with excellent concentration, and my grades will improve. In addition, children can take it when they are over 7 years old, and taking it early is a great help for growth and development.

In addition, wild ginseng has the effect of circulating the blocked qi, preventing and curing various vascular diseases such as dementia and stroke patients, arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure, heart disease such as angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and brain diseases such as stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, and cerebral infarction. It has an excellent effect on In particular, modern people are exposed to various cancers due to various stress and environmental causes. It is recommended to take wild ginseng before cancer treatment. The reason is that if we broadly classify the process of cancer treatment, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc. are good treatment methods that can remove or reduce cancer cells, but during the treatment process, the immune system of the human body is greatly reduced, and above all, the patient's physical strength. will drop significantly. Wild ginseng strengthens the weakened immunity and increases physical strength and natural healing power, so it will be of great help in cancer treatment.

However, there are some people who should not take highland wild ginseng. Wild ginseng cannot be taken by children under 7 years of age, pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding after childbirth, patients within 6 months after cancer surgery, or transplant patients taking immunosuppressant's.

Now, the age of the average human lifespan has arrived. Extending lifespan is a very happy thing for mankind who want a long life, but living a long and healthy life- Well-aging- Well-Being and Well-Dying are our tasks and goals. At this time, only Highland wild ginseng can be said to be the solution.

If you take wild ginseng, your immune system, vitality, and resistance will increase, so our body's recovery ability will improve. In particular, elderly people recover their exhausted energy and become healthy.

Students who study not only clear their heads, but also improve their physical strength~!

Monday, October 18, 2021

How to eat ginseng?

 Wild ginseng, like other medicinal herbs, has different medicinal effects depending on the growing environment and harvest time. Of course, the older the drug, the better. It is best eaten raw. Here's how to eat it.

1) Wild ginseng harvested in spring has soft stems and leaves, so the smell of grass is weak. If you eat only the roots, you can dry the stems and leaves, make a powder, mix it with water and drink it as a tea.

2) The roots, stems, and leaves of ginseng mined during peak growth in June and July can be boiled and eaten together. There is a way to eat the whole ingredient by eating only the root. First, cover the roots with sphagnum moss, expose the stems and leaves, and place them in a cool, well-ventilated place. After several days, the leaves and stems gradually wither and the nutrients there are transferred to the roots. At this time, you can eat the whole ingredient by cutting the stem and chewing the root. It takes about a month for nutrients from leaves and stems to move. If the leaves and stems are covered with moss together with the roots, they will rot, so be careful.

3) Strictly distinguishing ginseng harvested in autumn, there are two types. It can be divided into ginseng mined when the stems are fresh but only the leaves turn yellow, and ginseng mined when the leaves and stems are completely dry and fallen to the ground. The best ginseng is, of course, the latter, that is, yellow ginseng (黃切蔘). This ginseng is ready for winter for the long winter. As it is a mature ginseng with the most faithful ingredients, it has excellent medicinal effects. It is best to eat this yellow ginseng raw.

4) Brain head (腦頭, the tip of the root connected to the stem) is usually not eaten. In <Bonchogangmok>, it is said that “the deep brain is used as an emetic.” It appears to be due to vomiting and not for any other reason.

5) Many medicinal effects of ginseng are found in the peel. Therefore, it is best to eat wild ginseng with its skin.

*Cautions by date when taking wild ginseng

Do not drink a lot of water before eating, and rest comfortably after eating.

1) 10 days before eating, take an insect repellent to get rid of parasites in order not to lose the medicinal effect. abstinence, abstinence

2) Refrain from consuming animal fat for 4 days before.

3) Refrain from overwork and sexual activity 3 days before.

4) Two days before, eat Mieum to help digestion.

5) One day before, avoid spicy, salty, and sour foods.

6) In the case of eating days, chew on an empty stomach in the early morning. Chew about 100 times until it becomes water. It is best to eat when the digestive function of the stomach is good.

7) Eat Mieum on the first day after eating.

8) Eat REN on the 2nd day of taking it

9) On the 3rd day , avoid overwork and sexual activity.

10) Do not take a bath for 4 to 10 days.

*Guidelines before taking Because the

gastric function must be made so that the ingredients of wild ginseng can be absorbed well, you should refrain from spicy, salty, or sour foods that interfere with the function of the stomach 2 to 3 days before taking it, or from overwork, drinking, and smoking. It is better to eat porridge or rice. To soften the stomach.

*Guidelines for taking When you

wake up, rinse your mouth with lukewarm water. Eat wild ginseng cleanly, down to the root. There is a myth that hemp must not come into contact with metal. Therefore, it is most effective to eat it raw rather than chop it with a knife or crush it with a green juicer or mixer. If you don't like the bitter taste, you can dip it in honey and eat it. Chewing for a long time is sufficient to absorb the medicinal effect.

The elderly or those with poor stomach function can eat it as a decoction. You can also soak it in alcohol and eat it as wild ginseng juice. Samgyetang using wild ginseng is also available. You can make it like a regular samgyetang and eat it.

*Instructions after

taking For 2 to 3 days after taking, as before taking it, do not eat food that interferes with the function of the stomach. Excessive overwork, alcohol and smoking are also prohibited.

* Phenomenon after

taking Temporary abnormalities in the body may occur when taking for the first time. It appears even in people who were okay when eating ginseng or red ginseng, because the medicinal effect of wild ginseng is strong.

1) After eating, there are many cases of fever and fever flowers blooming in the body.

2) You may feel like you are drunk or your body is floating in the air.

3) There are times when it is difficult to stand up because your chest is stuffy and dizzy.

4) Diarrhea is sometimes severe enough to excrete all food in the intestine.

5) In some cases, the body feels strong.

6) You may spill your nosebleeds.

7) Sometimes I fall into a deep load or I can't sleep at all.

Different people have different symptoms. But you don't have to worry at all. After the Myeonghyeon phenomenon has passed, you will feel that your body is light and refreshed.

*Difference between injection and administration

Unlike nutrients in general food, ginseng saponin or ginseng polysaccharide component is not easily absorbed in the stomach or small intestine. However, while passing through the stomach and intestines, the bacteria that live there break down the components of ginseng. This changed saponin is easily absorbed into our body.

As such, Korean ginseng transforms into excellent ginseng in our body, so it is best to eat ginseng through the mouth. If the same ingredient is injected, it cannot go through the process of decomposition and absorption, so the effect is inevitably reduced.

Some people do not have the ability to break down and transform in the body. For these people, it may not be effective at all or may be less effective. In this case, ginseng processed with strains in the human body can be used.


Wild ginseng health benefit

 Kim Je-kyung, CEO of Hannong Pharmaceutical] Cancer is an incurable disease that is difficult to treat even with modern medicine, and is synonymous with death. Cancer treatment remains a common homework and task for mankind. However, considering the efficacy of ginseng, it is likely to have a significant effect on cancer tissues.

First of all, eating ginseng suggests the potential for cancer treatment, as the bone marrow and testicles undergo vigorous cell division and the tonic effect of wild ginseng restores the body's defense ability that was lowered by cancer.

There is a study showing that ginseng saponin is converted into an excellent component in our body, killing cancer cells and inhibiting metastasis. There is also research showing that ginseng polysaccharide is effective in enhancing the immune cells of our body.

Summarizing these results, it is believed that saponin and polysaccharide harmonize to kill cancer cells in our body and synergize with each other, such as enhancing the immune system, thereby exhibiting anticancer effects.

stress relief

The word stress is a physics term meaning 'pressure, pressure, tension'. Our bodies tense up when the body needs to adapt to respond to external demands. Not all stress is bad. However, if you get caught in a lot of stress, your mind will be destroyed.

Ginseng has anti-fatigue and anti-stress effects. It activates the body's metabolism and integrates the nervous and fluid systems to increase the body's defense response, making the body strong against fatigue and stress. It increases the weakened body resistance and strengthens the defense response. When marathon runners eat ginseng, they reduce muscle pain, dizziness, and fatigue.

The concentration of lactic acid in the blood decreases. When a night shift worker eats ginseng, his mental ability and adaptability during work improves, and blood sugar changes caused by stress are properly controlled. Another study found that consuming ginseng more than doubled the time to endure the cold or to swim, and to feel less fatigued.

Allergic constitution improvement

There are many causes of allergies. Allergies are caused by physical stimuli such as temperature, humidity, air pressure, and sunlight, while others are caused by genetic and psychological influences. There are also allergies caused by various medications.

Even just looking at a certain food, there are people who cause an allergic reaction to the whole body.

It is well known that ginseng has excellent anti-inflammatory effects. This effect is also effective against atopy and skin inflammation. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, saponin has the effect of inhibiting the production of antibodies that cause allergies. This means that it can also be used for dermatitis.

When you eat ginseng, digestion and excretion are smooth, and the generation of toxins due to food accumulation is eliminated. Blood circulation also improves. Allergens are reduced or eliminated because nutrients are supplied to the body and waste products are excreted well. In addition, hormone secretion and action are normalized to adjust the secretion of abnormal hormones when allergies are weakened.

As such, ginseng plays a significant role in the prevention and treatment of allergies. There are no side effects even when used with other allergy medications.

How to eat wild ginseng for the best effect.

  【Introduction】 Adults should be controlled within 0.1g each time, and the total amount should not exceed 0.3g per day. The dosage for chil...